How does home school work?

So you’re thinking about home schooling or what exactly it is. How does it work? Is it better than public school? Is it easy for parent’s? is it expensive?

Home schooling most of the time is threw a regular person. Although it can also be threw private companies. I was home schooled from 10th-12th grade. The way mine worked was threw a pastor. Just a regular person we met twice a year once half way into the year and again at the end of the year. When we met I would only turn in my grade’s most home schools only take grades not the work.

When starting you will pay a small entry fee mine was fifty dollar’s for the year. The subjects are simple but pricey I personally paid around 75-125 a subject. You will order books subject at a time and they will come with a semester’s work of books. You have to order these most of the time but sometimes they will have used books you can buy for cheaper. Each subject will come with a teacher’s guide and 10 unit books. For each unit book it will be around three weeks worth of work. You will only write grades for the test (Self Test) their will be five test’s for each unit book so 50 test a semester. While you/you’re parent is in charge of how you go about doing this home schooling the teacher’s guide does offer a schedule.

Now this is just going to be how I felt about home schooling might vary to how you/your child feels about it. But me personally I like to be social and talk to people. I felt as if home schooling isolated me from the world, and I found it much harder to make friend’s while at home . The only reason I would prefer public school is the lack of talking to people and just being social . I did like the fact that I made my own schedule for my work though. But if you’r parent is going to let you do the schooling and grading yourself this might be a problem. I found it very hard to keep at it and do my work especially since I was the only one checking my work. I thought it would be easier than normal school I found it quite difficult considering you won’t have a teacher you will have to self-learn.

Now this will be a lot easier for a stay at home parent. But a parent with a job can still do this. You make your own work time and schedule so it is pretty manageable. Working on all subjects a day can be rough for a working parent I would suggest one subject a day. But you can also just work one subject until the semester is done than do a different one. My mom worked a lot and didn’t have much free time on her hand’s so she let me handle it and just checked my work twice a week to make sure I was doing it.

Overall home schooling can be for anyone. I found it just a little expensive only because I used child support to pay. It’s around 900 dollars a year for each student. Now this is not paid at once you can choose when to order your books. Although any parent can do this with their child I would suggest only if you have the time to work with him/her after work, or if you trust your child enough to actually do the work themselves. I preferred public school just because i’am easily bored. But if home schooling is for you/your child that is for you to judge